How It Works

A visual diary is a tool to develop your creative process. You can use a visual diary as a way to provide structure to your creative process.

Use your visual diary to dedicate time to a creative learning process. In your visual diary you can be consistent in your creative endeavors and regularly explore new skills and techniques.

Your visual diary is a personal space for you to learn new techniques and develop your skills, however, it is also a space to explore your emotions, thoughts, and ideas.

A visual diary is a perfect space to create new images or develop old ones you may have started before. In this space, you can experiment with techniques and materials that are new to you or familiar to you. You can use a variety of materials including collage, text, print, paint, drawing, and many more.

In your visual diary there are no rules! Of course, this means you can also set your own rules if they help you develop your creative process.

A visual diary reflects your development of knowledge and skills in your creative journey.

Your visual diary is your creative outlet to research, brainstorm, experiment, test, analyze, and refine your art. 

Your visual diary is tangible proof that you are progressing as an artist.


What to do next?

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Check our RESOURCES section for useful tools to develop your Visual Arts Diary and creative skills.


If you’re ready to start creating now, check out our CREATE ART page to help you start on your first Visual Arts Diary.

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