
Art Prompt: Eyelashes

Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) to explore drawing eyelashes. Use a variety of art materials and techniques to explore the subject of this art prompt.  SIGNUP BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS FREE PDF.


As you learn to develop your portrait skills you may find that you pay attention to developing your artistic understanding of the more obvious parts of the face including eyes, lips and nose, however, there are smaller parts of a portrait that can help provide an overall look and aesthetic to your portrait. In this art prompt, we are focusing on developing skills around drawing eyelashes.


Create an artwork focusing on eyelashes. You may want to create human eyelashes or eyelashes on an animal such as a giraffe or horse.

Focus on creating the correct shape and direction of eyelashes and then add finer details such as shading to further define your eyelash drawing.

This excellent tutorial by Darlene Nguyen provides an in-depth breakdown of constructing an eyelash including:

  • Stroke quality
  • Eyelash roots
  • Eyelash angle
  • Types of lashes
  • 8 Step drawing process example


Below are some examples of practicing eyelashes. The first image shows how you can build a set of eyelashes through 5 simple steps.

Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes

Art Credit

Credit is given to the references used in creating the artwork:

Drawing Eyelashes Drawing Eyelashes Drawing Eyelashes Drawing Eyelashes


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Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes

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Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Eyelashes

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