
New Masters Academy

Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) to explore New Masters Academy. SIGNUP BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS FREE PDF.


Part of developing your art knowledge and skills involves exploring the variety of art resources available to develop your understanding of art.

In addition to developing artistic and creative skills, you can also develop personal skills that you can use in your creative process. You can also learn new skills that may help you in your learning process such as embracing new technology.

Use this resource to help build a broader foundation for your growth as an artist.


New Masters Academy is an online art school where you can learn from instructors in a variety of styles through developing important foundations of art. Unlimited streaming means you can learn from anywhere around the world at any time that suits you.

The resource is provided on a subscription basis only with two plans currently available. Each plan differs in the features provided. The website provides over 30,000 quality reference images.

To see the website suits you, you can sign up for a 7 day free trial. You can also download a free reference image pack.

You can peruse the list of art instructors here: NMA Instructors

NMA offers access to a forum where you can connect with other artists.

If you’re unsure about whether you want to join NMA, you can also take advantage of their free resources provided through their social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram.

The YouTube channel is especially helpful as you can watch lengthy videos that are instructional as well as critiquing other artwork.

*We have no affiliation with NMA and receive no compensation for this post. This post is provided as a way to explore potential art resources to help you develop your artwork.


The artwork below was created from watching the following New Masters Academy YouTube video: How to Draw Animals with Glenn Vilppu.

This is an amazing 2 hour masterclass from Glenn Vilppu.

Exploring Art Resources: New Masters Academy
Exploring Art Resources: New Masters Academy
Exploring Art Resources: New Masters Academy

Art Credit

Credit is given to the references used below in creating this artwork:


Free Download

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Exploring Art Resources: New Masters Academy

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Exploring Art Resources: New Masters Academy

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