
Art Prompt Flower Petals

Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) to explore flower petals. Use a variety of art materials and techniques to explore the subject of this art prompt.  SIGNUP BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS FREE PDF.


Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) to explore this art prompt. Use a variety of art materials and techniques to explore the subject of this art prompt.

Use your VAD to explore the art prompt and develop your art skills along the way.

Drawing flowers can help us explore important aspects of the artistic spectrum. You can draw flowers to help explore form and structure, or you can focus your drawing on the various colors and patterns that are found in flowers.

Flowers can be drawing singularly on their own or collectively as part of a bunch of flowers occurring in either a posed scene or in a natural environment.

There are many parts to flowers including the stem, stamen and leaves, however for the purposes of this art prompt we will focus on flower petals.


This art prompt focuses on flower petals. Flower petals come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and provide an opportunity to explore the various shapes and patterns available in many flowers.

You may want to use this prompt to explore different individual petals or instead create a whole flower that clearly defines the petals that form the flower.


Below are some examples of loosely exploring flower petals using pencil drawing.

The idea was to keep the artwork loose and moving freely to follow the natural form of flower petals without too many details.

Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals
Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals

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Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals

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Visual Arts Diary Art Prompt: Flower Petals

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