
Inspired by Tim Burton

Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) to explore Tim Burton. Use a variety of art materials and techniques to explore the subject of this art prompt.  SIGNUP BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS FREE PDF.


Inspiration for creating in your visual arts diary (VAD) can come from a variety of sources. Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) that is inspired by Tim Burton.

Use your VAD to explore art techniques as well as a variety of art materials to develop your art skills along the way.


Tim Burton is an American director, producer, artist, writer, and animator. He is known for his gothic fantasy and horror depictions in his films.

He is known for his dark gothic colors accented by bright vibrant accents. Tim’s horror themed characters often possess a likeable quality as they are not entirely based on pure horror. Instead they possess quirks and vulnerabilities.

His work has also been described as being inspired by German Expressionism.

Although Tim is known for his movies, his work is always based on personal drawings he has made. He keeps a number of journals that contain his ideas that eventually make their way to the movie screen.

When creating an artwork inspired by Tim Burton, focus on these aspects of dark gothic colors, illustrative line drawings, and dark themed characters.

An example of Tim’s work is below:


Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton.

Tim Burton Blue Girl with Win

Blue Girl with Wine, Tim Burton.

Other links to look at Tim’s work:





Be inspired by the work of Tim Burton to create an artwork in your VAD. Explore the various textures and style that Tim uses to give his character their distinctive style.

The artwork below is inspired by Tim Burton’s character Edward Scissorhands.


Creating Art Inspired by Tim Burton

Art Credit

Credit is given to the references used below in creating this artwork:

  • Tim Burton


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Creating Art Inspired by Tim Burton

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Creating Art Inspired by Tim Burton

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