
Watercolor Bright Colors

Create a page in your visual arts diary (VAD) to explore watercolors. Use a variety of watercolors and techniques to explore the subject of this art prompt.  SIGNUP BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THIS FREE PDF.


In this VAD project, we’re looking at the use of bright watercolors. We’re assuming you may have watercolors already and know the basics of how watercolors work. This project is to encourage you to work with bright colors in your watercolor palette.

Watercolors are typically available in either a pan, tube, stick, pencil, or pen format. If you don’t have access to watercolors, you can also choose to use other art materials and use them in the same way you would watercolors. This will involve using a substantial amount of water to dilute your art medium.

Suitable watercolor substitutes include: gouache, ink, and acrylic paint.


Some suggestions for using bright colored watercolors in your VAD include:


  • Experiment with bright colors in your VAD using cool colors (blues, greens, violets) , warm colors (reds, yellows, browns), complimentary (opposite) and analogous (beside each other)
  • Experiment with tints (addition of white), shades (addition of black) and tone (addition of grey) in your color choices
  • Experiment with different brush shapes including flat, round, and mop. Different brushes hold different amounts of water which can affect how watercolors are dispersed.
  • Play with water – add water to your paper first and then watercolor on top (wet on wet). Alternatively add your watercolor first and then water on top of the pigment (wet on dry). Use water to disperse the pigment and to contain the pigment.
  • Let the watercolors interact and bleed into each other. Mix colors and create different patterns (use salt). Splatter your watercolors.
  • Create gradients and build up your color.
  • Lift the color through a wet brush or dry tissue.


Exploring Art Materials: Watercolor Bright Colors

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Exploring Art Materials: Watercolor Bright Colors

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Exploring Art Materials: Watercolor Bright Colors

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