Start Creating Now!
Art is often spontaneous, intuitive, and created with passion, however, when working in your visual arts diary, we also encourage using a 3-step approach to develop your art process.
1. LEARN new skills
2. PLAN your art
3. CREATE your art
Learn more about each stage below. We’ve included a FREE DOWNLOAD to learn more about each stage of LEARN, PLAN, and CREATE.
Learn new skills
Part of the visual arts diary process is to learn about art. This involves developing your knowledge of art and it’s processes.
You could learn art history or develop your knowledge about specific art techniques and the way materials can be used in your art.
To help you LEARN more about art, techniques, and materials, we’ve included some free resources below for you to download and include in your visual art diary.
Exploring the basic elements of art can build a foundation of knowledge to develop your art. These 7 elements include:
1. LINE – Length, Width, Texture, Direction, Curve
2. COLOR – hue, primary, secondary, tertiary, shades, tints, intensity, complimentary
3. SHAPE – A 2-dimensional area that is defined in some way from the space around it. Geometric and organic.
4. FORM – a 3-D shape (or the illusion of 3 dimensions on a 2-dimensional surface)
5. VALUE – Lightness or darkness of an object or area
6. SPACE – the area between, above, below, around, or within objects (positive & negative)
7. TEXTURE – How something feels or looks like it feels
Explore the elements of art in your visual arts diary by downloading our FREE DOWNLOAD: 7 Basic Elements of Art Download.
There are many techniques in the art genre that you can undertake, however, we are focused on helping you develop your skills using techniques that suit a visual art diary.
The most common art techniques that suit a visual arts diary include:
- Collage
- Drawing
- Painting
Learn how to explore these visual arts techniques by downloading our FREE DOWNLOAD: 3 Art Techniques for a Visual Arts Diary.
A visual arts diary can include various paper or substrate types. The substrate you use should suit the art material that you use.
Some art materials are dense and wet, and therefore require a thicker substrate, however, lighter materials such as a pencil may only require a lighter substrate or paper in your VAD.
A visual arts diary that contains Mixed Media Paper is usually the most useable type of paper that can handle both dry materials and wet materials.
Learn how to explore some common art materials by downloading our FREE DOWNLOAD: 10 Art Supplies for a Visual Arts Diary.

Plan your art
A visual arts diary is a planning guide to map creative ideas so you spend more time successfully creating the ideas you imagined.
A general art project plan is below:
- IDEA: Start with an idea or vision for your art project
- PREPARE: Plan your idea and identify the resources you need
- EFFORT: Identify how you will put your idea into action
- REVIEW: Review your efforts and change any future art plans and ideas
Great art can be created based on intuition and spontaneity in developing an idea. However, great art can also be planned.
If you’ve always wanted to create a portrait or a large landscape, you can create with a plan.
A plan can help you identify the specific aspects you want to explore and learn in your art process.
A bit of planning in your artwork can help you become focused on creating the art you want!
Learn how to PLAN the ideas you have in your visual arts diary by downloading our FREE DOWNLOAD: Visual Arts Diary Project Plan

Step 03
Create your art
It’s time to CREATE in your visual arts diary with the techniques, materials, and ideas that you have explored in the learning and planning phases.
Your visual arts diary becomes a personal outlet to cultivate your imagination and explore your emotions, thoughts, and ideas in your creative journey.
Your visual diary is tangible proof that you are progressing as an artist.
Use our project download that contains a list of 5 suggested art projects for you to create in your visual arts diary (VAD).
Use the suggestions as they are or create alternatives using some of the ideas that interest you the most.
You might also like to use all of the suggestions in one large masterpiece in your VAD.
Be inspired and start creating!
Start CREATING your first visual arts diary entry by downloading our FREE DOWNLOAD: 5 Art Projects for your Visual Arts Diary